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Transform Your Related Lists Into Time and Space Saving Components.

Still constrained by standard related lists? Having to click through records to find related quotes or orders? Not able to compare more than one record’s data in the same place?

With Relatable you can declaratively build your own multi-object related lists, merging records into single sorted and formatted lists. Add conditional formatting rules, filters and text formatting. Let users update records with inline editing, inline attachment management and csv list exporting. 

Here’s an example of how Relatable can transform how you interact with related data….

We start with an account's opportunities. To save users time, you can expand to see related quotes, orders and contact roles in the same list*. Opening multiple opportunities at once. All records are sorted by the last modified date, but users can change the sort order by clicking on the column headers. 

To make it easier for users to find relevant records, we’ve applied conditional formatting rules to highlight if an opportunity is won or lost and to show which quote is the primary quote.

*The View Builder lets you configure views however you want. Add objects, columns, map fields and apply rules and formatting to suit your own use case.

To save more time, we can view and add attachments for any record in the list...

To save even more time, we can update records with inline editing, and insert new records with either a new row or a new record edit form...

If we click on an opportunity, we can see a list of related quotes and orders, if we expand them we can see related line items. Compare quotes, confirm orders are correct, all from the same list. We have conditional formatting rules on the discount percentage column to flag any records that have a discount greater than 0...

Finally, clicking on a quote lets us view quote lines grouped by quote groups. Our list is set up in ‘read-only’ mode, meaning users are prevented from performing inline editing or taking record actions. We are able to use dot notation to bring in fields from a quote line’s related product, without having to create formula fields on the quote line. You can see the product's charge type below...

So there we have it, from account down to quote line, accessing records quicker and gaining more insight into Salesforce data. Users are able to see more, do more, helping them increase their productivity and make more informed decisions. 

Use Relatable to transform your related lists into functional time and space saving components. Get it now on the AppExchange, start with a free 30 day trial. 

Need help with setup or want to talk through your specific use cases? Contact us via our webform or email