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View Records

Switch Views

Use the dropdown next to the View’s name to switch between Views. The list will show any active Views which share the same parent object or are unbound. If you don’t see any options, there are no other available Views. If there is no dropdown, the component has been set to show a specific View. 

View All Records

Click View All to load the first 50 records. Click the load more button to load more. 

View Child Rows

Click the horizontal arrow next to a record to see any child records. Click the vertical arrow to close the selection. You can expand multiple records at the same time. The records shown are dependent on the Views configuration. 

View Gantt

Click the icon to open the gantt view. Select the start and end dates from available columns, select a row label to display and what day you want to default to.

Note start and end date can be the same column.

Navigate to Records

Click highlighted text to navigate to that record.

Change Column Width

Drag headers to modify column width.


Click the refresh icon to reload the View. Any updated or new records will appear once refreshed. 

Hover To See Field Mapping

Hover over a cell to see the name of the field mapped for that object.